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Assassin’s Creed® Unity tells the story of Arno, a young man who embarks upon an extraordinary journey to expose the true powers behind the French Revolution. In the brand new co-op mode, you and your friends will also be thrown in the middle of a ruthless struggle for the fate of a nation.


Magazin Steam






I was lookin' back to see if you were lookin' back at me
To see me lookin' back at you

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Jocul asta e incredibil de prost optimizat  .  Pana si la cea mai mica rezolutie si cu toate pe low , tot nu imi trece de 15 fps . Si teoretic trebuia sa mearga acceptabil pe gtx 460 .  Poate scot vreun update cei care au facut jocul si o sa imi mearga si mie decent .

 Assassin creed  black flag  cred ca a fost jocul care m-a captivat cel mai mult din toate pe care le-am incercat pana acum , chiar de multi fani ai seriei nu prea l-au apreciat  .

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