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Am deschis acest thread pentru a posta si discuta despre genurile din titlu, muzica de relaxare etc... Pentru toate celelalte genuri ale muzicii electronice o sa deschid alt thread.








Am mult mai multe melodii de adaugat dar va las si pe voi. 

I was lookin' back to see if you were lookin' back at me
To see me lookin' back at you

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Archive - Londinium, unele dintre cele mai bun albume scoase vreodata




I was lookin' back to see if you were lookin' back at me
To see me lookin' back at you


Va recomand albumul celor de la Tranquillo... Voi voi pune aici 2 piese de pe albumul lor.


Daca sunt doritori, am sa fac un tracker cand se va deschide torrentul, desi albumul nu il am losless, ci doar mp3.



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Bine c? am avut inspira?ia s? m? uit la The Scorch Trials în seara asta, altfel nu descopeream minun??ia asta de melodie:



?i când te gânde?ti c? melodia este de-acum 7-8 ani. Ce sound frumos!


@MusicON, presupun c? o ?tiai. O p?rere ceva? Sau doar pe mine m? rupe?


Stiam melodia dar nu si remix-ul. 

O ascult..


Lol, chiar am remix-ul asta salvat in folderul cu muzica, pe langa radio edit si above & beyond's dynaglide remix.


Imi place..

I was lookin' back to see if you were lookin' back at me
To see me lookin' back at you

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

A aparut noul EP de cateva zile si pe trackere (Waffles/what) in mp3 iar FLAC de astazi (se vinde pe qobuz).

Dead Editors mi se pare cea mai buna melodie urmata de Ritual Spirit.




Mai urmeaza un EP in vara (produs de Daddy-G) dupa care (cica) scot album la sfarsit anului. DOAMNE AJUTA :D

I was lookin' back to see if you were lookin' back at me
To see me lookin' back at you

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Imi aduce aminte de 2009/2010. Inceputurile mele pe what.cd


I was lookin' back to see if you were lookin' back at me
To see me lookin' back at you

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